
Fundacion Fajalauza Cecilio Morales (Spain)
Its objectives could be summarised as follows:
– To protect and conserve the artistic and artisan tradition of Fajalauza ceramics, transmitting this heritage to all citizens as intangible cultural heritage and collective memory.
– To investigate and establish the characteristics that define it, establishing its denomination of origin based on the criteria of quality and authenticity of this pottery.
– Creation and maintenance of a specific and permanent space in our centenary factory of Cecilio Morales that combines production, exhibition and training activities and that is considered as a “CENTRE OF INTERPRETATION OF FAJALAUZA CERAMICS, History, Environment and Validity”.

Foro de Formacion y Ediciones FFe (Spain)
Foro de FormaciĆ³n y Ediciones (Training and Editions Forum) was founded in 1998 with the aim to provide high quality services as a backstone of their activities. In 2000 they enlarged their field of activities and included the management of training activities and consulting projects. FFE is one of the first Southern European entities to develop e-learning training, being the developer of the main innovations that have been followed by public and private institutions.

Associazione Botteghe Artigiane del Centro Storico (Italy)
Associazione Botteghe Artigiane del Centro Storico aims at the support and recognition by universities, professional schools, associations and relevant institutions to become an integral part of actions and projects leading to the study of the new artistic craft situation within a contemporary context, the education of the new generations aimed at encouraging them to undertake manual activities and making them capable of carrying out work, conceiving and planning projects, organising meetings, seminars, exhibitions and events with the aim of improving effective communication concerning this sector which is so important for the growth of European cities.