
¿Es necesario el marketing en la artesanía?
Los elementos que inciden de forma relevante en las señas de identidad de un producto son la forma en que se…

600 women who keep alive a healthy handicraft and one of the most beautiful tourism resources
The XI National Meeting of Bobbin Lace and Embroidery, showed the importance of work that is part of…

A village where those in the know buy esparto and wicker handicrafts
Gata de Gorgos, in the Marina Alta has an attractive based on craftsmanship, where for decades, is positioned…

Álvaro Martínez Leiro, winner of the National Crafts Award 2023
This edition of the National Crafts Awards, organized by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Government of…

Artesanía Molero
Artesanía Molero es una casa de diseño y elaboración de piezas de madera a medida completamente…

Artex, Center for Artistic and Traditional Craftsmanship of Tuscany works with a precise objective…

L’associazione Articity, con i suoi intenti programmatici, dà impulso alle attività artigianali del territorio umbro e in particolare del centro storico quale…

Associazione Liberi artigiani – artisti balarm
The ALAB association has started a process of rebirth within the historic center of Palermo, with the aim of…

Ceramics – Craftsmanship/Artigianato
Craftsmanship plays a very important role in representing the culture and traditions of…

Ceramics – Innovation
By an encounter between the artisan’s experience and passion, and the fervour, the curiosity and the technological knowledge of…

Città dei mestieri
The great artisan and productive tradition to be experienced in many ways. Discover shops and…

Crafts in Spain
This page contains data on the handicraft sector in Spain, and in each section can be consulted by autonomous community…

Craftsmanship in Umbria
Craftsmanship in Umbria has ancient traditions. Ceramics, wrought iron, fabrics and lace: these are…

Fajalauza es una de las fábricas más antiguas de Granada y seña de identidad de toda una tradición cerámica. Existen plataformas como…

Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’arte
Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte is a private non-profit institution, founded in Milan in 1995 by Franco Cologni, who is its President. It promotes a series of cultural, scientific and…

Galician history and culture: the artistic avant-garde of Celtic Ceramics in Pontecesures
The ceramic industry in Galicia underwent a before and after in the production…

Il mio artigiano
In the largest search engine in South Tyrol you will find companies belonging to over 60 professional groups. The search is…

Italia su misura
Digital project for the promotion and dissemination of Italian artistic craftsmanship created by…

La artesanía inclusiva como prioridad
El programa de Formación Dual en Artesanía Inclusiva financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional y organizado por…

La marca artesana como hecho diferencial
El establecimiento y desarrollo del mundo capitalista ha supuesto una complicación para el mercado artesano, pues este tiene dificultades para…

Las enseñanzas artísticas profesionales se adaptan a un nuevo modelo similar a la FP
El consejo de Ministros ha aprobado el Anteproyecto de Ley que reforma las enseñanzas artísticas, por lo que quedarían…

Leandro Cano
La artesanía va mucho más allá de lo que podemos imaginarnos, pues no implica solamente productos de uso diario…

Loli García, potter, 76 years old
Pottery is the art of drawing and coloring pottery, then glazing and drying it in the sun, and finally firing it for eleven hours, a slow…

Montelupo Ceramics
Montelupo Fiorentino is located on the outskirts of Florence, in a lush area, bathed by two waterways…

Pabellón de las artes
El Pabellón de las artes de Jun es una galería privada de arte contemporáneo que cuenta con visitas culturales guiadas…

Revista AD
AD es una plataforma a la que podemos recurrir para estar continuamente informados sobre el mundo del diseño, la decoración, la…

The Arabian oven awakens from its lethargy
In Jaén there is a pottery with a long tradition, a traditional kiln that has been passed from generation to…

The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftmanship
The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to…

Tipicamente Umbria
A showcase of Umbrian artisan excellence and the notable technical and artistic capacity of…

Umbria Tourism
The great artisan and productive tradition to be experienced in many ways. Discover shops and…

Well-made Italy
Wellmade is the platform that allows you to discover the best artisans, learn about their work and review their tailor-made…